Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've Missed Ya

The doors to the hosbital opened and on the other side stood PonyBoy. I ran forward and I gave PonyBoy a big hug, but there was something different about him. First of all he was ALOT skinner, and his tuff hair was all gone, in it's replacement was blonde hair. I pushed his hair back to see if it was a wig...but it wasn't. "Oh, PonyBoy, your hair...your tuff, tuff hair..." I told him, he just looked back at me, wide-eyed as if this was some sort of dream. PonyBoy let go of me and stood there looking at Darry. As I watched, I witnessed what, me and PonyBoy have never seen before, and that is Darry crying. I've never seen him cry, Darry isn't suppose to cry...he is suppose to be the tough one in the family....After the family reunion, we all sat down and waited to hear about Johnny and Dally. Then we heard 30 people running down the hospital hallways towards us. Camera's in one hand, and a pen in the other. They started snapping pictures of PonyBoy and started asking him questions. It was funny to watch because he kept getting mixed up, with what they were asking. I had enough of it so I started grabbing some of the interviewers and dragged them towards the docters, and told them to ask them question's about Johnny and Dally. I went back over to the big crowd and noticed something interesting. A gun. Not just any gun. A policemen's gone... I stood beside him and tried taking it from him but he caught me, so I did what I do best, and that's to smile. Luckly, I didn't get in trouble. That's when this really got fun, the reporters wanted photo's of PonyBoy's brothers. It was awesome, I was just smiling and throwing a few play full punches at PonyBoy. Finally they left, and we all sat down agian. I layed down across the long bench and rested my head on Darry's lap. After that I don't remember anything...


  1. Shannon, You are doing a great job! I really appreciate the fact that you are reading other people's blogs and giving them pointers! You seem to be able to navigate this site with precision!

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